Wednesday, November 11, 2009

SenseCam: The Life Logging Camera

From the Videomaker web site November 6th.

We all have experienced a lapse in memory from time to time. It’s especially disappointing when the memory you’re trying to recall is one of importance, such as a special family event or vacation. Over the decades, the popularization of camcorders and cameras have helped us forever capture memories, but only the moments chosen by the person operating the camera.

Microsoft Research has developed a device called the SenseCam that is proving to be a great tool for memory loss. The digital camera is worn around the users neck, and is equipped with a fish-eye lens in order to capture as much information as possible. The SenseCam takes up to two pictures a minute without having to be prompted, and can store up to 30,000 photos on a 1GB flash memory card. This allows the user to view a thorough recount of their day picture by picture, or by compiling them all in a stop-motion fashion.
The SenseCam isn’t available to the general public yet, but it already has people buzzing about how they’d use it. Proposed ideas include an automatic diary for daily events or vacations, a way to monitor food intake, or to coordinate disaster response. I would use it to find my car keys every morning. How would you use it?

1 comment:

  1. I have to get one of these for my Dad who has demensia. We can then follow the day as if we were there with him as he is having 24 hour care. We can also catch him up on the little details he might have missed thru the day...and so much more. What a great idea, wished I'd thought of it. Start up the production line!


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